Ceiling Nozzle Configuration
The TAR-225C is an open-type ceiling nozzle used for area protection of flammable or combustible liquids spill or pool fire hazards and is specifically designed to effectively distribute CAF over a remote area.
Located at the ceiling level the ICAF Nozzle is designed to discharge CAF in a 360° radius over a maximum area of 150 ft2 (13.9 m2) when used on hydrocarbon liquids and 100 ft2 (9.29 m2) when used on polar solvents.
Specific Hazard Configuration
The TAR-225L is an open-type directional nozzle which is specifically designed to discharge CAF over exposed horizontal or vertical surfaces of specific equipment, and is effective on cascading fires.
The TAR 225L nozzle spacing shall be based on the spray pattern design principle. Nozzles shall be spaced and aimed so that their spray patterns will cover all surfaces adequately.
Foam-Powered Oscillator
The FPO is an open-type oscillating nozzle that is specifically designed to project CAF horizontally over a wide area. It is an effective discharge device for low-level protection. The CAF can be delivered via a 90° or 180° arc of oscillation with discharge range up to 92 ft. The FPO nozzle is self-propelled by the CAF discharge and does not require any electrical or hydraulic connection, considerably simplifying installation.