Compressed Air Foam

Compressed Air Foam

Explore the world of Compressed Air Foam (CAF) and unleash its potential in firefighting and various industrial sectors. Gain insights into its applications, advantages, and implementation methods.
Dive into the ultimate guide!

Compressed Air Foam (CAF) systems provide a versatile fire suppression solution for a wide range of fire types in various applications.

At FIREFLEX CAFS, we offer a wide range of CAF systems suitable for use in a number of industries. Our team works closely with you to establish the exact requirements of your business, giving you the confidence you’ll receive the most effective system for your unique requirements.

If you would like to discuss our range of CAFS, or any of our other fire suppression solutions, contact us today on Email .

Reduced Infrastructural Requirements
for Fire Protection

Water Supply

ICAF can eliminate or reduce the size of water supply tanks & fire pumps

Drainage and Containment

ICAF can eliminate or reduce the size of drainage and containment systems including spill tanks and oil separators

Disposal Costs

The significant reduction in foam and water required for ICAF reduces the costs associated to clean-up and disposal of foam during discharge testing or after a fire.

siron compressed air foam cafs systems

Please visit the
Fireflex Integrated Fire Protection Systems
website for more detailed information.

Go to FIREFLEX website

The benefits of
Compressed Air Foam systems

CAF systems have a wide range of benefits when compared with alternative fire fighting systems, including: